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Feudo Del Balio

Excellence of Sicilian Organic Wine

a story of passion

Feudo Del Balio

The Feudo Del Balio Winery is a winemaking gem located in Sicily, where winemaking tradition blends with winemaking innovation. The production of excellent Sicilian organic wines, in a context where Passion, Sustainability and Expertise are the basis of everything.

a story of passion

Feudo Del Balio

The Feudo Del Balio Winery is a winemaking gem located in Sicily, where winemaking tradition blends with winemaking innovation. The production of excellent Sicilian organic wines, in a context where Passion, Sustainability and Expertise are the basis of everything.

organic wines

Feudo del Balio


Crete Alte


Le Runze


Nero d’Avola 2022. Sicilia DOC.
Vino Biologico | Organic

Syrah 2022. Sicilia DOC.
Vino Biologico | Organic

Nerello Mascarese 2022 DOC.
Vino Spumante | Metodo Charmat

Grillo Sicilia 2022 DOC.
Vino Biologico | Organic

Nerello Mascarese 2022 DOC.
Vino Spumante | Metodo Charmat

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certified quality

Sicilian Organic Wines

The vines are cultivated with love and respect for nature, guaranteeing superior and authentic quality, embodying that Sicilian Terroir, rich in centuries of wine culture and the warmth of the Mediterranean.

certified quality

Sicilian Organic Wines

The vines are cultivated with love and respect for nature, guaranteeing superior and authentic quality, embodying that Sicilian Terroir, rich in centuries of wine culture and the warmth of the Mediterranean.


Feudo del Balio






Sicilian Natural Taste

Feudo del Balio

Wines Ratings

Awards and Reviews of Our Organic Wines

The world of wine is often characterized by myriad nuances and complexities, and expert reviews play a crucial role in guiding enthusiasts to extraordinary wine discoveries. In the case of Feudo Del Balio wines, attention was focused on the evaluations received from the renowned wine critic James Suckling, whose website JamesSuckling.com is a point of reference for wine lovers from all over the world but also most important International Wines Contest Awards .

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